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Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan

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Monday, November 15, 2021/Author: Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan/

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Le Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan (CÉCS) est à la recherche d’un conseiller(ère) en emploi).  DÉTAILS The post Poste à combler : Conseiller.ère en emploi appeared first on CÉCS.

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Le Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan (CÉCS) est à la recherche d’un Coordonnateur/Coordonnatrice du programme Jeunesse Canada au Travail dans les deux langues officielles (JCTDLO). DÉTAILS The post Offre d’emploi : Coordonnateur.trice du programme Jeunesse Canada au Travail appeared first on CÉCS.
Thursday, September 30, 2021/Author: Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan/

Actualité économique

Gouvernement de la Saskatchewan
/ Categories: Éducation

Education Week 2016: Celebrating Today, Preparing for Tomorrow

The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed October 16-22, 2016 as Education Week in Saskatchewan.

Today, Deputy Premier and Education Minister Don Morgan was at École Lakeview School in Saskatoon to celebrate with staff and students.

“The future of our province depends on having an educated and skilled workforce and the work of preparing our youth for that future is happening every day in our schools,” Morgan said.  “This fall, I had the opportunity to visit schools across the province, to meet staff and students, and to see firsthand the important work that goes into supporting student success.  I encourage all residents to join me in celebrating our students and education professionals this week.”

This year’s theme, Celebrating Today, Preparing for Tomorrow, is an opportunity to recognize the student achievement and teaching excellence that occurs every day in Saskatchewan schools.  The theme also highlights the important role of education in preparing students for their future, starting with graduation.

“Graduation is an important step toward building a bright future,” Morgan said.  “One of the key goals in our government’s Plan for Growth and our Education Sector’s Strategic Plan is to lead the country in grad rates by June 2020.”

Education Week has been proclaimed by the province since 1987, as a way to celebrate student achievement and acknowledge the efforts of teachers, education assistants, administrative personnel, library technicians, custodians, bus drivers and maintenance workers.

“On behalf of SEIU-West, we are very proud to celebrate the incredible work done every day by workers in the education sector,” SEIU-West President Barbara Cape said.  “Our members are dedicated, skilled professionals who enhance the learning environment for students across the province.  From challenges like physical or learning disabilities to new Canadians learning our language and customs, each member of the education team supports and builds on the learning path of our students.  Let’s all celebrate the great work done by all our education providers!”

“Every day teachers and school staff inspire and support students to reach their fullest potential,” Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation President Patrick Maze said.  “Education Week provides an important opportunity to celebrate the collaboration, dedication and commitment of students, teachers and other education professionals in schools and classrooms across the province.”

Schools and school divisions across the province will host activities and events throughout the week to celebrate Education Week in their communities.

Gouvernement de la SaskatchewanCommuniqué - Patrimoine canadien

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